Better health is central to human happiness and well-being. People who work in drugstores can prove the fact, that people are ready to pay any money when they don’t feel well. Also they always have…
You have been asking about voiced Irregular Verbs. And here is our Back-to-School present for you! This podcast is with British accent!
Voiced by Gregory Theiner
The «holiday» for children, is it also a holiday for their parents? Let’s listen to some phobias of adults before the September 1st.
Voiced by Cheryl White
If your cubicle feels like a cage and the daily commute leaves you drained, watch out. It might not be long before you decide to ditch the office grind in favor of the digital nomad lifestyle.
We all like a good party, right? Today we'll take a look at five types of people you will meet during your parties and figure out how to recognize them and, in some cases, ignore them. Voiced by…
This is Mr. Truman. Unfortunately his name is not Harry (if you know what I mean). And he is not a president. He works in a London hotel as a porter, which is far from being a president. But Mr. Truman…
Impersonal Report Structures are used to show what people generally think or to report what people claim or believe is true.
Voiced by Kirsten Colquhoun
Do you know the Difference between Present Simple and Present Continuous?
Let's correct some mistakes then!
Written by Mary Mironova
Voiced by Sophia Pelivanova
I thought it's quite easy to order food in a restaurant until I happened to be in one of the restaurants located near Istanbul on Princes' Islands. What was the matter? To acquaint you with an affair,…
If you ever feel fear of yoga, listen to this podcast! If you have any concerns about yoga, listen to this podcast! If your body makes weird noises during yoga class, listen to this podcast! In any unclear…
The most common quantifiers are some, any, a or an, a lot of, many and much. Let's find out what quantifiers are and when we use them. Voiced by Kirsten Colquhoun
Do you still have problems with past simple? Which verbs are regular or irregular? Then listening to our podcast will be a good way to practice them.
Voiced by Ann Merrill
Do you love family celebrations when lots of your relatives ask questions about your private life? No? Our heroine either. Let’s listen to her story.
Voiced by Cheryl White
This podcast will help you with Present Perfect and Past Simple.
Don't confuse them!
Listen to this podcast in English-Russian.
Voiced and written by Inna Zharuk
Prepare for your visit to Turkey.
Listen to this podcast to learn about shopping in the country.
Written by Anastasiya Sklyarenko
Voiced by Vera Sokolova
Need to prepare for a job interview? Do it with our new series Job Interview. FAQs. Today we are going to talk about the question Why Did You Choose This Career? Good luck with…
Passive Voice is the topic that is used everywhere and by everybody. In today's podcast you will hear about its form and usage, and also about different small but important details. Written…
If you're sick and tired of all the daily routines, you definitely need some time for yourself. Listen to our podcast and find out how you can relax and feel yourself happy.
Voiced by Sydney Shore
Do you still have difficulties understnding the Past Perfect?
Listen to this podcast to learn how to use the Past Perfect correctly!
Written and voiced by Mary Mironova
This podcast is here to help you with better orientation at the airport and to give you almost all necessary phrases which you can hear or need to say being at the airport. Voiced by Sophia Pelivanova
I'm gonna make it by any means, I got a pocket full of dreamsBaby, I'm from New YorkConcrete jungle where dreams are made ofThere's nothing you can't doNow you're in New York Voiced by Laura Buell
Mr Truman witnesses an argument between a married couple. It gives him some thoughts about relationship. Listen and learn even more vocabulary about relationship. Written and voiced by Arina…
Listen to this podcast to know how to use prepositions of place correctly. Listen to English-Russian version of this podcast Written and voiced by Inna Zharuk * * * *…
Do you like visiting your friends? What do you say first when you come to someone's place? What do your friend says when he or she opens the door? Listen to this podcast to learn some…
Some verbs are usually followed by GERUND (and not by infinitive). Listen to this podcast to find out more. Written and voiced by Mary Mironova. * * * * * Listen here…
Gerund or Infinitive? or both? Some verbs can be followed by both gerund and infinitive, but the meaning changes. Listen to this podcast to find out more. Written and voiced by Mary Mironova.
Mr Truman is a hotel porter. But his life is not boring at all! It's full of different emotions.
Let's listen to what happens to him this time.
Written and voiced by Arina Sidorkina
Being an English bloke I feel obliged to talk about the weather. It's a duty passed down from rainy generation to generation...
Written and voiced by Gregory Theiner
Here is one more story from Greeny! He tells us about the clothes he wears in spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
You can find Russian translation here.
Voiced by Sophia Pelivanova
The best way to prepare yourself for the interview is to know what may be coming and practice for it in advance. What did you like and dislike about your previous job? Some interview questions are relly…
Have/get something done will be very useful if we want to show that we have asked someone else to do the job for us or to express unpleasant things which happen to us. Voiced by Kirsten Colquhoun
There are very many ways of greeting someone in England.
How many ways of saying 'Thank you' or 'Good Bye' in English do YOU know?
Written and voiced by Gregory Theiner
The holiday we are waiting for from the first days of winter is Christmas! Let's find out what Greeny does on Christmas! Listen to other stories about Greeny here. Voiced…
A lot could go wrong on a date: The person you're currently sharing sweet potato fries with just might call his ex, or loose his tooth during the dinner. You could discover the two of you have zero chemistry…
This podcast will help you with the Present Perfect and Past Simple. Don't confuse them! Listen to this podcast in English only. Written and voiced by Inna Zharuk Want to…
Reporting live from a windowsill near you, it’s special correspondent Spike Thorny. Yes, ladies, the “t” is silent… and yes, I am a prick in case the barbs didn’t give you…
Advantages of a new form of relationships “Friends with benefits”. No strings attached, just pleasure. And what do you think about it?
Voiced by Cheryl White
Greeny is hungry! And he tells us what he wants to eat. Listen to the vocabulary list with translation. Listen to this podcast in Russian Voiced by Sophia Pelivanova * * * *…
The Present Perfect is an interesting and often used tense, so what do we know about it? Let's listen! Listen in English only * * * * * Present Perfect - это интересное и часто…
There is and There are are constructions which are very common in the English language. Listen to this podcast to learn how to use them correctly. Written and voiced by Inna Zharuk
Some people are afraid of travelling alone because they don't want to get lost in an unknown city abroad. But if you learn the next phrases, they will help you not to be afraid of starting any conversation…
Everyone’s a critic, right? Criticizing something or someone is fairly easy. There are two types of criticism: constructive and destructive. It’s important to know the difference between the…
While Kyiv Lover and Kyiv Hater are discussing advantages and disadvantages of our capital city we have a great possibility to learn lots of new English words)Enjoy!
Voiced by Cheryl White
It's always easier to learn a new word in context. The same goes with idioms! And with this great series you will learn 5 idioms with food in just 5 minutes! Written and voiced by Mary…
What does your pet eat? How does it taste? A pet food tester knows! It seems we can pay people to do anything for us these days: walk our dogs, build our furniture, organize our homes ... cuddle with…
For non-native speakers of English using articles is a big challenge, but most article usage has a logical explanation. This podcast tells us about the definite article the. Written…
"First you judge how nice, then you judge how wise". Listen to our podcast and find out little hints how to make a good first impression.
Voiced by Chad Albright
It's always easier to learn words in context!
This is the list of phrasal verbs from Relationship. Phrasal Verbs podcast.
Listen and learn!
Voiced by Sophia Pelivanova
Do you know the difference between graffity and street art? Graffiti is word-based, whereas Street Art is image-based. Listen and find out more!
Voiced by Vivica Williams
Christmas is coming, and today Anna will tell you about the most interesting annual Christmas markets in European countries, and what to eat and buy there. Written and voiced by Anna Fedichkina
'What magic power would you choose if you could?'
Krystyna Kovalenko chooses cooking!
Listen to this podcast to find out why.
Written and voiced by Krystyna Kovalenko
It is not a secret that a lot of people learn English not only for travelling but for work most of all.Не секрет, что многие изучают английский не только для…
England, like any country, has a diverse range of accents. And not all English is spoken like the Queen on the BBC.
Written and voiced by Gregory Theiner
It's always easier to learn words in context! This story will help you to learn some phrasal verbs. Listen and learn! Listen to the list of phrasal verbs from this story. …
There are always people who try to look down on you, just because you aren't like them.
This podcast is about importance of being yourself no matter what. Voiced by Kisten Colquhoun
When you speak English it comes to the point where you have to choose your side: British or American. The differences between British and American English may cause some misunderstandings.…
For me, London was always an iconic city. Here are some tips if you plan on going to the capital of Great Britain. Hope it will come in handy if you ever visit. Written and voiced by Vera Sokolova
It's always easier to learn a new word in context. The same goes with idioms! This is Part 4 of the Idioms with Food series! And with this great series you will learn 5 idioms with…
Is it easy to have long distance relationship? Our chick has her own opinion about it. Let’s listen to our podcast, find out about her private life and revise grammar tenses) Voiced by Cheryl…
Listen to this podcast to learn all about questions in English! Этот подкаст поможет разобраться с вопросами: их типы, как правильно их задавать,интонация. …
Need to prepare for a job interview? Do it with our new series Job Interview. FAQs. And today we are going to fix attention on the question What Relevant Experience Do You…
Like all forms of bullying, cyberbullying causes psychological, emotional and physical stress. Want to know more about this realia of the 21st century, then listen to our podcast! Voiced by Chad…
When presenting results of your work, you often need to describe some graphs. This podcast provides you with some useful vocabulary to describe facts and figures. Voiced by Mickey Cesar
One of the typically difficult topics for students in the English language is Passive. It can be used in a variety of different tenses, but in this podcast we will focus on Present Simple Passive. …
Have you ever had a fight with your neighbours? I am sure at some point in your life you didn't like, for example, noise your neighbours made, or that strange smell from their apartment. Well, here…
A CV is an integral part of the modern labour market and the most effective tool to make a favourable impression on a potential employer. In the long run, it is a crucial factor in deciding whether you…
Mind the 'O's! Non-native speakers tend to mispronounce 'o's. This podcast will show you the difference between the short 'o' sound, [ɒ], and the long 'o' sound, [əʊ].
Brains are the new tits. Ordinarily, the Pirelli calendar is known for sexiness, beauty and glamour. In 2016 Pirelli Calendar features 13 women of outstanding professional, social, cultural,…
For non-native speakers of English using articles is a big challenge, but most article usage has a logical explanation. This podcast tells us about the indefinite articles a / an. …
I'm sure you know how to count to ten in English. But what other vocabulary related to mathematics do you know?Listen to this very useful podcast to learn more!!! Written and…
Need to prepare for a job interview? Do it with our new series Job Interview. FAQs. So, the first question we will focus on is Why Do You Want to Work for this Company?Good luck with your…
Before planning your holiday check out this podcast! You might learn how to save on a room, car rent and other things. ENpodcast tells you all about collaborative consumption. Voiced by…
Meet Greeny! He will tell you about his life and adventures! And you can earn English with him!
To find this podcast in Russian, click here
Voiced by Sophia Pelivanova
Four days were enough for Olena Koshovska to fall in love with Paris.
Listen to this podcast to get a bit closer to this European city.
Written and voiced by Olena Koshovska
Have you ever wondered why watching or reading news can often leave you feeling practically suicidal? Don't fall into that trap. Listen to this podcast! Written and voiced by Vera Sokolova
Watch, see, and look at are the verbs that people often confuse. What's the differne? Is there any difference? Listen and learn! Voiced by Gregory Theiner
In 2013, 19 prisons in the Netherlands closed because the country didn't have enough criminals to fill them. Seeing as how the Netherlands is literally importing prisoners to keep jails full, larger countries…
Reporting live from a windowsill near you, it’s special correspondent Spike Thorny. Yes, ladies, the “t” is silent… and yes, I am a prick in case the barbs didn’t give you…
We can ask for the time in different ways. We can also tell the time in different ways.
Listen to this podcast to learn more.
Written and voiced by Inna Zharuk
Family traditions are nice. They help shape your family and create the sense of unity and warmth. If your family doesn't have any traditions - create them! It's easy. Voiced by Laura Buell
What do you pay for when you buy goods or services? Is the service better when you pay more? What Makes First Class more Comfortable? Listen and find out the answers! Voiced by: Claire Heffron
Listen to this podcast to know how to use prepositions of time correctly. Listen to English-Russian version of this podcast Written and voiced by Inna Zharuk * * * * * Прослушать англо-русскую…
Italy is justly considered to be one of the most romantic and visited countries in the world. Whatever part of this beautiful European country you visit, you will be certain that it is inimitable and…
Is it difficult to be a waiter? You’re around people, you can adjust your work schedule...But what if your clients are terribly pampered?
Voiced by Bob Skinner and Chad Albright
Pinky's Birthday Party is over and the house is untidy. So Greeny, Pinky and her granny start cleaning up.
Listen to all the stories about Greeny!
Voiced by Sophia Pelivanova
The truth doesn't always work. Sometimes we need to use little white lies to keep the people we care about feeling good.
Voiced by Gregory Theiner and Naomi Nathan.
What makes people happy?
What are the secrets that can lead to a happy life?
Listen to our podcast and you'll find the answer.
Voiced by Sophia Pelivanova
People of art differ from the rest of the crowd and are notable for their uncommon outlook on the world. Many great artists had lives cloaked in mystery. Here are some fascinating facts about well-known…
Talking about your achievements without preparation is challenging. It's a good idea to think it over carefully before going to the job interview. Voiced by Tonya Snizhko, Gregory Theiner, Sophia Pelivanova
Let's listen to Olena Koshovska talk about Paintings and Sculptures in the fourth episode in her Art series.
Voiced by Olena Koshovska and Sophia Pelivanova
Would you like to have a lawnmover with a radio glued to it? Some inventions are ingenius and can significantly improve our lifes. Some would probably look pretty silly or even hilariously crazy. Which…
Hi, my name is Anna, and what follows is my account of events while being a student at Central European University in Budapest.
Written and voiced by Anna Mychka
Istanbul, Turkey has the Bosporus in the middle of the city. The three most popular forms of transportation in Istanbul are ferryboats, taxis, and busses. There are some advantages and some disadvantages…
Listen to this podcast to know how to use prepositions of place correctly. Listen to English-only version of this podcast * * * * * Прослушайте этот подкаст, чтобы…
Have you ever heard about the Ukrainian restaurant Chicken Kyiv? And what about the dish with the same name? Let’s listen to the revelation of one little cutlet. Will be interesting, I promise)…
Today Pinky invites Greene to come to her place. She says that she has something interesting to show to Greeny. When Greeny comes, he sees her and a big book.
Voiced by Sophia Pelivanova
For non-native speakers of English using articles is a big challenge, but most article usage has a logical explanation. This podcast tells us about the zero article. Written and voiced…
At the end of the year workers meet up, talk about their personal lives and share their various accomplishments. If you want to understand better how to use Present Perfect tense, listen to their conversation…
Would you like to find out more about not ordinary weddings? Would you like to know more about future tenses? Then listen to our podcast! Chill out and have fun)
Voiced by Ann Merrill
Have you heard anything about Miron Yanovich Fyodorov?No?And about Russian rapper Oxxximiron?Yeep, this is the same person. I am not a big fan of rap but even I have to admit that sometimes I listen to…
There are loads of methods and techniques of planning. One of them is a SMART technique. SMART is an acronym. What does it stand for? Listen to this podcast to find it out! Written and…
Modern life is a daily struggle. There are a lot of things out there that can put a black cloud over your head. Gregory Theiner shares his top list of annoying things. Do you have anything to add? Voiced…
When your work life and personal life are out of balance, your stress level is likely to soar. Use these practical strategies to restore harmony.
Voiced by: Redmond Red Doyle
It seems we can pay people to do anything for us these days: walk our dogs, build our furniture, organize our homes ... cuddle with us when we're feeling lonely. That's right: You can hire a professional…
How many of you spend your weekends dealing with work you haven’t finished during the week? That’s no good. Listen to this podcast about eight things you might want to consider including into…
When you speak English it comes to the point where you have to choose your side: British or American. The differences between British and American English may cause some misunderstandings. …
How to ask the way in the street? Here is a good example! Listen to the podcast in English, then in English with Russian translation to check your understanding. Voiced by Olena Koshovska…
When it comes to the topic of education, most people tend to agree that it’s very important to get into university and do well there. Yet it may be the case that we misunderstood what ‘doing…
It's always easier to learn a new word in a context. The same goes with idioms! And with this great series you will learn 5 idioms with animals in just 5 minutes! Written by Mary…
Do you know Freddie Mercury's real name? What about his favorite pet?
This podcast reveals all the curious facts about Freddie Mercury.
Voiced by Oleksandra Kashtalyan
Listen to this podcast to know how to use prepositions of time correctly. Listen to English-only version of this podcast * * * * * Прослушайте этот подкаст, чтобы…
It's always easier to learn a new word in context. The same goes with idioms! And with this great series you will learn 5 idioms with food in just 5 minutes! Written and voiced by Mary…
It is important to know how to tell the date because dates are everywhere.Важно знать, как говорить даты, потому что это часто применимо. Listen to this…
From song lyrics to former addresses, our brains hold a seemingly endless supply of information. How are we able to learn, store, and recall information with such ease? If you want to learn how to memorize…
With our next podcast you can learn how to be happy and to use gerund at the same time! Because learning something new is good for you!
Voiced by: Redmond Red Doyle
It's not that easy to avoid F*** word in the business environment. Listen to this podcast to find some verbal ways out of difficul situations during negotiations. Voiced by Sophia Pelivanova
No matter which side of the whole ‘leggings as pants’ debate you’re on, chances are you still own at least one pair. Listen to our podcast and find out what men think about leggings.…
I have five yoga pants, three sports bras, ten sweatbands, two puffer vests, and only my credit card knows how many leggings. Do you own so much active wear too?
Voiced by Ann Merrill
Feyisa Lilesa, an Ethiopian marathon runner, finished his race at the 2016 Olympics with a daring protest. As he crossed the finish line, he also crossed his arms above his head. Listen to this podcast…
Well, we are totally okay when a man and a woman are of the same age. And we are being very tolerant when a young woman is in a relationship with an old fart. But what if the opposite happens? …
Adapted from the classic Aesop's Fables by Mickey Cesar.
Listen to this well-known fable to remind yourself that appearances can be deceptive.
Voiced by Mickey Cesar
Dear girls, today I’ll tell you how to travel light. I know that you know exactly what to pack in your suitcases. But I’m sure you don’t know what you shouldn’t take …
A contemporary major issue regarding the relationships between men and women can be found in the exchange of the stereotypical and traditional roles both men and women have nowadays. Voiced…
What do you know about Hong Kong? 'Well, Hong Kong is in China' one might say. And if you'd say the same, you definitely should listen to this podcast!
Voiced by Tonya Snizhko
Would you like to learn a lot of new words connected with medicine? So, listen to our podcast! Learn and have fun)
Voiced by Cheryl White and Chad Albright
If you like to solve puzzles and give your mind exercise, you should definitely listen to our detective story. Trying to catch the killer before he or she’s revealed will sharpen your senses of…
«Don't Confuse» - This is a series of short podcasts about words we may confuse. Listen to this podcast and find out the difference!
Voiced by: Gregory Theiner
Why is Greeny hiding? Is it because he doesn't want anyone to see him? Listen and find out why! Voiced by Sophia Pelivanova * * * * * Listen to this podcast in Russian.…
How do you save your earnings?
Listen to this podcast to get some tips on moneysaving.
Listen to the vocabulary list for this podcast.
Wtitten and voiced by Vera Sokolova
It's always easier to learn a new word in a context. The same goes with idioms! This is Part 2 of the Idioms with Food series! And with this great series you will learn 5 idioms with food…
2 Blogs is a new series about ... relationships!
A girl, Magan, and a guy, Philippe, write their impressions about the same day in their blogs.
Believe me, men and women are different
This new series will make it easier for you to learn idioms with different colours. This episode foucuses on idioms with the word 'colour'. Learn 5 idioms with 'colour' in just 5 minutes!…
Budapest as seen by Anna Mychka.
The city itself is split by the Danube into two pieces - Buda and Pest. This podcast is all about Pest.
Written and voiced by Anna Mychka
Mr Truman didn't know anything about art. But one day he had to learn a lot about it. Why?
Listen to this podcast and you will find out why!
Written and voiced by Arina Sidorkina
What are the reasons you blame your extra weight on? Maybe it's time to stop having excuses and just do something about it! Listen to the vocabulary list for this podcast Written and…
In the previous podcasts of It's London, Baby! series we have explored the ways to get to London as well as some of the tourist attractions worth visiting. This time, you’ll get a glimpse of what…
Teachers always told us that we should do our work in a quiet place in order to focus better. However, sometimes we can concentrate much better when in a bustling, loud public place. Do you prefer working…
People differ. The thing which we find normal can seem really strange to a French or German. People Differ is a series about different nations and their peculiarities. This episode is all about…
This podcast is about probably the most romantic city in Italy, Venice. Discover something new about European cities with Olena Koshovska in Popular Holiday Destinations in Europe series. …
Surveys show that the most frequently asked job interview question is 'So why don't you tell me about yourself?'Let's learn how to answer it properly.
Written and voiced by Ilona Povkh
This podcast is an example of a business presentation for getting investment. Today Dave is going to present the concept of a revolutionary product – 3D video glasses. Written by Maria…
Have you ever had that feeling on Monday when you don't want to do anything?
This podcast is all about 'that Monday feeling'.Written and voiced by Freddie King
Let's talk about art with Olena Koshovska.
The first podcast in this series is about Photography.
To find the vocabulary list click here
Written and voiced by Olena Koshovska
This is the second podcast in Art series. This time Olena Koshovska talks about literature. Listen to the vocabulary list for this podcast Written and Voiced by Olena Koshovska
I have a confession to make – my name is Vera and I'm an addict. No, not a drug or alcohol one, I'm actually a WhatsApp addict. Why? Listen to this podcast to find out! Written and voiced…
It's always easier to learn a new word in context. The same goes with idioms! And with this great series you will learn 5 idioms with food in just 5 minutes! Voiced by Christina Kristian
It's not that easy to avoid F*** word in the business environment. Listen to this podcast to find some verbal ways out of difficul situations!
Voiced by Mickey Cesar
Pinky is ill today and she can’t go outside. So Greeny visits her to play hide-and-seek. You can listen to this story in Russian here Written by Maria Olkhovyk Voiced by Sophia Pelivanova…
If you wanna be healthy it doesn't mean that you have to completely refuse tasty food. You should be in a harmony with your body and yoga will help you with that.
Voiced by Sydney Shore
Our modern world is full of stress and sometimes it’s very important to find a good psychotherapist. So keep calm and listen to the experience of our heroine.
Voiced by Cheryl White
It is hard to imagine in what weird and sometimes even terrifying ways people tried to curry favor with their beloved ones in different times and different nations. So, listen about the weirdest traditions…
If a sudden problem happened what should you do? In the United States, people call 911. Listen to our podcast and be prepared for any emergency.
Voiced by Vivica Williams, Cheryl White
The only reason you get a job nowadays is knowing the right people. You can either cry about it or take action. I choose to take action.
Voiced by Chad Albright
After 6 episodes of Choose your side: British or American series here is a test for you! Today we’re going to find out if you are British oe American! Listen to Episode 1 here Listen to Episode…
Often when asked to name their heroes, young people will mention athletes and pop stars, citing their popularity and visibility in the media. This podcast challenges you to properly distinguish between…
Have you ever thought that TV influences your life a lot? Listen to this podcast and learn some new vocabulary and about the influence of TV on your life. Click here to listen to the…
Everyday our wonderful Mother Nature inspires us to create amazing things. If you want to know more about them - listen to our podcast!Voiced by: Ann Merrill
How to deal with such tactless questions as 'When are you going to get married? Why don't you have a kid? You'll never stick to vegetarianism! You don't want alcohol? Why? Are you Okay?' Voiced…
Weddings are one of the great festivities in our lives! What are the customs and rituals in your country? Does the bride and groom have their own individual party? Voiced by Gregory Theiner
It seems we can pay people to do anything for us these days: walk our dogs, build our furniture, organize our homes ... cuddle with us when we're feeling lonely. That's right: You can hire a professional…
What is the difference between a friendship and a romantic relationship? What if you are in love with someone who thinks of you as more of a brother or sister than anything else? Sometimes it's hard to…
- You should smile more. I’m just being nice! It was just a joke! Why do you care? - Hmmmm…. Come here, little sexist. I’m gonna explain you stuff.
Voiced by Cheryl White
In the previous podcast of It's London, Baby! series you discovered how to get to London, navigate your way around and found out a few spots to buy food in. This time, we will focus on the touristic…
Welcome to Episode 2 of our series called Interesting Facts.
In this podcast you will learn something about geometry, Triangle on a sphere!
Written and voiced by Mary Mironova
It seems we can pay people to do anything for us these days: walk our dogs, build our furniture, organize our homes ... cuddle with us when we're feeling lonely. That's right: You can hire a professional…
How to ask the way in the street? Here is a good example! Do you need one more example? Click here to listen to one more dialogue. Listen to the podcast in English, then in English with Russian…
Two dialogues on a bus. Listen to the podcast in English, then in English with Russian translation to check your understanding. Voiced by Olena Koshovska and Sophia Pelivanova
This podcast is all about some words which can be both nouns and verbs at the same time. Learn how to tell them apart, and never again confuse verbs with similar nouns. Written…
According to Forbes, the 400 wealthiest Americans have more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans combined. But what about the people in between? The middle class? Which side do you want to be…
It seems we can pay people to do anything for us these days: walk our dogs, build our furniture, organize our homes ... cuddle with us when we're feeling lonely. That's right: You can hire a professional…
Discover something new about European cities with Olena Koshovska in Popular Holiday Destinations in Europe series.
Written and voiced by Olena Koshovska
This podcast is about homophones. Homophones are words that sound the same, but are actually different words with different meanings and different spelling. If you want to know more, listen to…
It's important to learn keep cool mentally and physically. Listen to this podcast to learn about using 'cool' in different context.
Voiced by Gregory Theiner
There are some of the tricks shops are using to keep you in-store and encourage you to spend more. Listen to our podcast and find out secrets shops use to make you spend more. Voiced by Cheryl…
When you speak English it comes to the point where you have to choose your side: British or American. This is Episode 5 from the series which will guide you through those differences between British and…
Every day we face the problem of choice: which dress or suit to put on, what to order for lunch, where to spend time with your friends or even which yoghurt to buy. Voiced by Mickey Cesar
The thing one should realize when it comes to conflicts at work is that if you don’t have any - you are either hiding from them or not working properly at all. Listen to this podcast to learn how…
Does Time Exist only in our minds, or is it something real, that we should spend carefully? Listen to our podcast and try to answer this question by yourself. Voiced by: Redmond Red Doyle
Gentlemen, it’s time to start nesting – get those prenatal vitamins, yoga balls and oversized football jerseys – you’re having a baby. And start preparing for nine months of weight…
Outsourcing is becoming a more and more actively used term. The concept of it is simple – contracting out a business process to a third party.
Voiced by: Vera Sokolova
Have you heard of the FISH philosophy? This is a philosophy which is to make people active, happy and motivated in the workplace. Listen to our podcast and you might like to try out the FISH philosophy…
Don't Confuse These is a series of very short podcasts about words we may confuse. This episode is longer than usual, and focuses on be used to & get used to. Listen to…
Don't Confuse These is a series of very short podcasts about words we may confuse. This episode focuses on Sit & Seat. Listen to this podcast and find out the difference!Voiced by Sophia…
Discover the world with Olha Yankova.
This time she will tell everything about Temples Bangkok.
Listen to the Day 1 in Bangkok here.
Voiced by Tonya Snizhko
Have you ever got engry or irritated during your yoga class because of annoying classmates? If yes, listen to this podcast and learn how to stay calm.
Voiced by Sydney Shore
A marriage is like a merger.Listen to our podcast and you'll find out the similarities between these two notions.
Written and voiced by Sophia Pelivanova
Robert Truman has seen a lot of extraordinary people. But today he was really intrigued when one man covered with horse chestnuts came to the hotel.
Written and voiced by Arina Sidorkina
Everyone loves Leonardo DiCaprio…except all the white males who rule the Academy Awards. Leo can’t win to save his life! Maybe they’re just jealous of his good looks! …
When you speak English it comes to the point where you have to choose your side: British or American. The differences between British and American English may cause some misunderstandings. This is Episode…
What would you do if you were living on the Florida coast in October? If the Florida governor ordered you to evacuate, would you do it?
Voiced by Chad Albright
Don't Confuse These is a series of very short podcasts about words we may confuse. This episode focuses on Beside & Besides. Listen to this podcast and find out the difference!Voiced…
Remember the first time Megan and Philippe met? Their story goes on! Will they go on a date? Will they be a nice couple?
Written and voiced by Arina Sidorkina
When you speak English it comes to the point where you have to choose your side: British or American. This is Episode 4 from the series which focuses on differences in British and American spelling. …
Many people think that leaders are people who do big things, inspire companies or even countries, or have some major impact on the world. Is it true? Voiced by Vivica Williams
This new series will make it easier for you to learn idioms with different colours. This episode foucuses on idioms with 'black'. Learn 5 idioms with 'black' in just 5 minutes! Written…
From Mozart in the womb to Chinese lessons in preschool, there are many parents eager to give their kids a jump-start on the sort of smarts our modern-day lifestyle equates with success. Sure, we talk…
Don't Confuse These is a series of very short podcasts about words we may confuse. This episode focuses on discover & invent. Listen to this podcast and find out the difference!…
Self-discovery, self-actualization, self-awareness…Is it really so important to deal with a life coach to get a new job or you can do it by yourself?
Voiced by Cheryl White
Sky Tower is one of New Zealand's most impressive tourist attractions, where you can try SkyJump and SkyWalk or just have dinner in the revolving restaurant. Voiced by Thérèse…
Reporting live from a windowsill near you, it’s special correspondent Spike Thorny. Yes, ladies, the “t” is silent… and yes, I am a prick in case the barbs didn’t give you…
Don't Confuse These is a series of very short podcasts about words we may confuse. This episode focuses on Hear & Listen. Listen to this podcast and find out the difference! Voiced by Gregory Theiner
Looking for a good book to read this summer? Look no further! Listen to our podcast – we’ve got the books that will keep you in a sunny mood all day long.
Voiced by: Ann Merrill
What is the difference between harmless flirtation and emotional cheating? Are you cheating by flirting? To find out the answer listen to our podcast.
Voiced by: Gareth Mcneill
Europe teaches people how to behave. When you come to visit a european countries as a tourist, you are are often greeted by a letter telling what you can and cannot do. What a horrible way to start a…
This podcast is about probably the cradle of the Renaissance and the flowering city of Tuscany, Florence. Discover something new about European cities with Olena Koshovska in Popular Holiday…
In 2007-2008 the world experienced the biggest financial crisis, but not many know what truly brought about this mass meltdown. In this podcast, we will try to find out exactly that. Voiced…
What’s the key to understanding art? Could there be some easy steps to unpacking the meaning of an artwork? The short answer is: yes. Listen to our podcast and learn the most essential art terms. …
In this series Olena Koshovska tells us about one of the most popular holiday destinations in the world. Can you guess a country using some hints? Let us try: wine and vineyards, cheese, distinctive…
Don't Confuse These is a series of very short podcasts about words we may confuse. This episode focuses on Borrow & Lend. Listen to this podcast and find out the difference!Voiced by Sophia…
Listen to all the necessary words and expressions to discuss work conditions. And isn't it a interesting idea for a business?
Voiced by Jacob Howard and Sophia Pelivanova
India is a unique travel destination that's growing in popularity all the time. Thinking of visiting India? Listen to our podcasts about India and get more informed and inspired! Voiced by Bob Skinner
From this podcast you will find out how to say numbers in English and not to get divorced while trying to figure out how to get to the destination.
Voiced by Bob Skinner and Cheryl White
Let's listen to Olena Koshovska talk about Dancing.
It's the third podcast in her Art series.
Listen to the vocabulary list
Written and voiced by Olena Koshovska
Too shy at work? Want to get noticed? Listen to our podcast and find out what to do if you are not confident enough. (Spoiler: just work hard) Voiced by Ann Merrill
Women’s rights activists have been fighting the ban for more than 20 years. Many women have been arrested for driving in protest.Voiced by Cheryll White
Many people think that taking a daily cocktail of vitamins is a prescription for a healthy diet. But is this true? Listen to this podcast and find out!
Voiced by Loni
Of course men can manage with a lot of tasks. But what if this task is just to buy some stuff for laundry…Is it a difficult problem? Let’s listen and find out! Voiced by Chad Albright
Living in Montana means ignoring squirrels, being crazy about the sky, going to rodeos and having mountains in your backyard. Want to know more? Listen to this podcast. Voiced…
This podcast is about some English words which are called homophones. The words which sound the same, but have different meanings and are spelled differently. Can you think of any examples? Listen to…
This podcast guides you through some key points of a formal presentation. Jane helps David with the preparation of the presentation. Voiced by Mickey Cesar and Sophia…
Adapted from the classic Aesop's Fables by Mickey Cesar. Listen to this well-known fable. It's a good reminder that once you lie you will never be believed again. Voiced by Mickey Cesar
With more and more people choosing to go abroad for their holidays, the question of how to save during the trip becomes crucial. Yet, it really doesn’t have to cost the earth to be able to visit…
In YouTube, Facebook, and other online comment threads, you are bound to see the expression 'haters gonna hate'. But what exactly is 'haters gonna hate', and what does it mean? Voiced by…
Don't Confuse These is a series of very short podcasts about words we may confuse. This episode focuses on Steal & Rob. Listen to this podcast and find out the difference! Voiced by Sophia Pelivanova
Studying in the United states is expensive. Besides the financial aid system can be very confusing. But we want to give you some tips that can make it much easier for you in the long run. Listen to our…
Do we really need education to be successful? The list of billionaire dropouts is long, but does everyone who dropped out started a great company the next day? Voiced by: Sydney Shore
Don't Confuse These is a series of very short podcasts about words we may confuse. This episode focuses on compliment & complement. Listen to this podcast and find out the difference! …
Many book-lovers still prefer the traditional option and value the tactile sensation of a bound paper book. A portable little e-reader on the other hand can carry an entire library wherever you go, which…
India is a unique travel destination that's growing in popularity all the time. Thinking of visiting India? Listen to our podcasts about India and get more informed and inspired! Voiced by: Bob Skinner
Do you wanna be healthy? Now it’s very popular to lead a healthy lifestyle. Listen to our podcast and find out why soda is so harmful to our body.
Voiced by Chad Albright
Can the size of a college or university campus impact your comfort? What’s the difference between an urban city, a suburban residential area and a rural countryside? Listen to our podcast and find answers…
It seems we can pay people to do anything for us these days: walk our dogs, build our furniture, organize our homes ... cuddle with us when we're feeling lonely. That's right: You can hire a professional…
Don't Confuse These is a series of very short podcasts about words we may confuse. This episode focuses on Tear & Tear Up. Listen to this podcast and find out the difference!Voiced…
India is a unique travel destination that's growing in popularity all the time. Thinking of visiting India? Listen to our podcasts about India and get more informed and inspired! Voiced by: Bob…
What do consumers want from your product or service? How does your product meet those needs? Where do potential buyers look for your particular product or …
If you like to solve puzzles and give your mind exercise, you should definitely listen to our detective story. Trying to catch the killer before he or she’s revealed will sharpen your senses of…
When you're a young guy who's in shape, middle age can seem like a long way off. But once you hit 30, the bad habits you didn’t kick during your 20s can take a toll on every part of your life. Make…
I'm here to tell you we are in for a new crisis. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the 'suffocated by options' crisis, and to make matters worse, I bet you all suffer from it. Written and voiced…
After centuries of relying on fossil fuels and living with the negative consequences of that kind of energy, we are returning to nature and the bountiful gifts it offers. Voiced by Gregory…
When you speak English it comes to the point where you have to choose your side: British or American. This is Episode 6 from the series which will guide you through those differences between British…
Nowadays, cheating has gone far beyond simply looking at a neighbor’s paper for an answer. Today’s students are finding new and more creative ways to get their work done for them. …
If you like to solve puzzles and give your mind exercise, you should definitely listen to our detective story. Trying to catch the killer before he or she’s revealed will sharpen your senses of…
India is a unique travel destination that's growing in popularity all the time. Thinking of visiting India? Listen to our podcasts about India and get more informed and inspired! Voiced by Vivica Williams
Why does everyone think that the USA is the best place to live? Listen to our podcast written by an American citizen, who believes that American dream is long gone!
Voiced by Chad Albright
Want to book a nice hotel online? Planning your vocation and lost in the enormous number of promotions, deals and programs out there? Basic phrases in English will help you to book a holiday! Listen to…
“By eating less you will be better off, slimmer and happier”. “We disapprove of your wasting NHS (health insurance) money to treat your selfish greed while half the world starves”.…
If you think being a transgender person is hard, try being transgender in Texas. Our new podcast addresses the problems of transgender people through a story of Samantha O’Connor. Voiced Ann Merrill
The British exit from the EU, or the Brexit, will be very difficult and will take many years. And the EU and the UK will have to make a new relationship. Find out more in our new podcast about Brexit.…
Are there any North Koreans, Cubans, Chinese or Syrians in your friend list on Facebook? If yes, they are surely criminals. It is forbidden to use Facebook in these countries. Voiced by Bob Skinner
“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you…
According to various international studies, the world’s most popular color is blue. Here are some interesting facts about this color! Voiced by: Ekaterina Vasilieva
One day your kid wants a new bike. The next day, a new cell phone. Before you know it, your little darling is as tall as you are, demanding pierced ears or even a tattoo. How to react? What to say? Here…
It’s 2016, no one makes phone calls anymore — text messages come first, it’s just standard protocol. But texts can be misleading. You should be attentive otherwise you can lose your…
In our next episodes we are going to take a closer look at market segments in which fashion companies operate and the evolution of their business models.
Voiced by: Gregory Theiner
If you like to solve puzzles and give your mind exercise, you should definitely listen to our detective story. Trying to catch the killer before he or she’s revealed will sharpen your senses of…
The idea of decriminalization of drugs came about because the situation in Portugal couldn’t have been worse. Criminalization wasn’t working all that well. So the Government figured out another…
If you like to solve puzzles and give your mind exercise, you should definitely listen to our detective story. Trying to catch the killer before he or she’s revealed will sharpen your senses of…
How Geniuses Work? When Mozart became Mozart? Is Genius Born or Can It Be Learned? Listen to this podcast if you are smart enough.
Voiced by Vivica Williams
Do you have a co-worker who stinks? Or the one who talks on the phone all the time? Or maybe you are that person who annoys everyone in the office? Listen to our podcast and learn the constructions and…
If you're considering a planned home birth, you probably have questions. Is it safe? Will you need a midwife or doula? How do you create a backup plan? Listen to our podcast to learn more useful words…
If you like to solve puzzles and give your mind exercise, you should definitely listen to our detective story. Trying to catch the killer before he or she’s revealed will sharpen your senses of…
Why are people voting for Trump? Why is he popular? Why do people like and support him? Listen to our podcast and learn some reasons why peole vote for a prticulare candidate in the election. And vote…
India is a unique travel destination that's growing in popularity all the time. Thinking of visiting India? Listen to our podcasts about India and get more informed and inspired! Voiced by:…
Shaking hands is universally acceptable but my first question is why? Why not stroke another person? Why not caress their hair? How does shaking hands project the desired message? Listen to our new podcast…
Networking can be quite a difficult undertaking that requires a ridiculous amount of time and energy. However it’s the single most important thing a journalist can do to build success. Voiced by:…
The defining event of young Nikola’s childhood was the day he witnessed the death of his older brother Dane in a riding accident. In the years following the tragedy, Tesla (the son and grandson…
If you like to solve puzzles and give your mind exercise, you should definitely listen to our detective story. Trying to catch the killer before he or she’s revealed will sharpen your senses of observation…
If you like to solve puzzles and give your mind exercise, you should definitely listen to our detective story. Trying to catch the killer before he or she’s revealed will sharpen your senses of…
If you like to solve puzzles and give your mind exercise, you should definitely listen to our detective story. Trying to catch the killer before he or she’s revealed will sharpen your senses of…
Studying in the United states is expensive. Besides the financial aid system can be very confusing. But we want to give you some tips that can make it much easier for you in the long run. Listen…
Studying in the United states is expensive. Besides the financial aid system can be very confusing. But we want to give you some tips that can make it much easier for you in the long run. Listen to our…
Studying in the United states is expensive. Besides the financial aid system can be very confusing. But we want to give you some tips that can make it much easier for you in the long run. Listen…
Studying in the United states is expensive. Besides the financial aid system can be very confusing. But we want to give you some tips that can make it much easier for you in the long run. Listen to our…